I'm feeeeelin' it... You??

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ring My Bells?

Somehow I stumbled on to this Enrique Iglesias song Ring My Bells on Youtube and ever since I'm struggling to move away from listening to it.. God knows how long this has been on "repeat" but finding it too hard to stop listening. It has that quality that pins you down - line by line, tune by tune, the melody is so incredible that your fingers have no choice but obey your brain's command to press "replay" .. A feeling that is like unleashing a wave of butterflies that flutter from the pit of your stomach and weave through your heart and swarm around your brain with sweet melodies? I bet a ton of women around the world will die listening to this number..FYI, the video is from an older music video (Love to see you cry) of Enrique but was mixed with this new song Ring My Bells! Brilliant Remix!

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posted by GeronimoThrust at 2:28 PM


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