I'm feeeeelin' it... You??

Friday, July 22, 2005

Half-Marathon.. anyone?

Phewwwww.. Its almost the end of a longgggg weeek...a week filled with deliverables and meetings..And if you can believe, some of these meetings can go on and on for hours..anyway, now that's all over and I have a couple of days to spare for myself..Hehehehe.. I mean, for my personal life..Mr. & Mrs.Geronimo are running the Riley's Rumble half marathon on Sunday .. and the weatherman is calling for a perfect Sunday morning..This would be my first official running race after a longgggggg time (remember doing the last one when I was in grade school)..

Yesterday was a unique in a way..a full day of neckbreaking work.. then off to a local trail nearby for a few miles of running.. someone in the training group called it an Easy run.. and I guess people are looking for that individual who called it a "simple" run..Good grief! It was a tough run...Though its a few miles (4 miles these days are seemingly an easy target) almost everyone was dragging at the end of the run..That level of humidity was not for the faint of heart..and even the most seasoned of Chennai-ites would sweat a bullet or two in that sultry weather..Boy! whata surprise..It was just a few minutes after we finished the post-run stretch, the skies open up briefly for a a spill and brought the humidity to a manageable level.. then the team heads off to get a drink at a local juice bar (Can you believe they sell Arugampull saaru/juice @ this joint in the US).. Afterwards, the corwd downsizes to just 4 and the Geronimos are off to get a wonderful Middle eastern food..Man!!! That Lamb stuff I had was tastyyy!

Alright .. I'll be signing off in a few here.. but before then I want to wish you all a wonderful weekend..and if you do find a minute, make sure you say a prayer for me tonight before you hit the bed..Make sure your prayers have me in them running a successful race this weekend..talk to you soon (if I'm alive after that 13.1 mile run)..
posted by GeronimoThrust at 4:32 PM


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